Friday, June 10, 2005

Worst President Ever

No shit Posted by Hello
Bush's poll numbers are now at an all time low in a new Washington Post Poll. They are approximately 30 percentage points below those of Clinton during his impeachment. Oh, I just got a rush there. Let me state that again, while Clinton was being persecuted for an extra-marital affair by BOTH houses of Congress, Clinton's approval rating was 30% higher than our 'war time' President Bush. Although, I don't know why Dubya's numbers are ever above 0%. Perhaps America is watching the news now that American Idiot is finally over. Close to 75% of Americans polled believe the US casualties suffered thus far are unacceptable. 60% believe the 'war' was not worth it, nor did it make the US safer. More than 40% believe Iraq is the new Vietnam. Dubya's approval rating is now at 42%.

More good news, the Republican Congress is being blamed by 67% of those polled for no accomplishments in Congress. Let's hope 67% of the fascist, racist, imperialist, chauvinist, corporatist Republican Senators and Representatives are voted out in 2006 so we can finally begin the impeachment process. More than 250,000 US citizens and 96 US House Representatives have signed a petition demanding an answer from Bush for the Downstreet Memo- otherwise known as Impeachment Exhibit 1A. In addition to getting the impeachment ball rolling, US Rep. John Conyers has also written a book entitled What Went Wrong in Ohio on the Ohio presidential elections, based on hearings that he chaired. The book points out what us 'thinkin' people' knew all along, Dubya stoll another election. The book points out that Bush continually polled at 48%, and isn't it funny that Kerry won 48% and Bush 51% of the votes? Huh, what? Okay, I'll put my foil hat back on. Assimilate. Freedom is on the march.


At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take a breath baby.

At 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is funny to me how those that stand on lies tend to throw around words like "facist", "racist", "stupid", etc.

Also - where was the outcry when Clinton invaded Yugoslavia?


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