Sunday, December 18, 2005

Bright, Shiny Objects

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It's holiday time for many of us, but for the Republican machine (O'Reilly, Hannity, Coulter) it's time to exploit something new in order to distract America. So, forget about the illegal war that's costing US Taxpayers $2 billion a week (and exactly what is that $2billion for anyway?); the young American and Iraqi men and women dying; the lying, vengeful executive branch; the 6,000 Louisiana residents still unaccounted for since Hurricane Katrina; the tens of millions of dollars in private contracts to Halliburton and others to clean-up Louisiana and the illegal immigrants subcontracted at pennies on the dollar. America- pay no attention to the complete and total demise of our country. Look at the bright shiny 'holiday' ornaments. Oops, make that 'Christmas' ornaments. Yes, the party completely void of humanity would like you to focus on the fact that Ernie, the WalMart greeter making minimum wage, living on foodstamps, said 'happy holidays' to you as you entered to purchase goods made in China for the multibillionaire Walton family. Did Ernie see Bill O'Reilly's website where he's proudly selling 'holiday' merchandise, not Christmas merchandise, next to his $40 doormat and Haggar slacks? Perhaps that's where he got it.

Fortunately, there is someone in Congress with a sense of decency to point out the absurd hypocrisy of Fox, the GOP, et al. Mr. Dingell (D-Mich.) recited the following poem on the House floor Wednesday concerning House Resolution 579, which expressed the sense of the House of Representatives that the symbols and traditions of Christmas should be protected.

'Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the House

No bills were passed 'bout which Fox News could grouse;

Tax cuts for the wealthy were passed with great cheer,

So vacations in St. Barts soon would be near;

Katrina kids were nestled all snug in motel beds,

While visions of school and home danced in their heads;

In Iraq our soldiers needed supplies and a plan,

Plus nuclear weapons were being built in Iran;

Gas prices shot up, consumer confidence fell;

Americans feared we were on a fast track to . . . well . . .

Wait -- we need a distraction -- something divisive and wily;

A fabrication straight from the mouth of O'Reilly

We can pretend that Christmas is under attack

Hold a vote to save it -- then pat ourselves on the back;

"Silent Night," "First Noel," "Away in a Manger"

Wake up, Congress, they're in no danger!

This time of year we see Christmas everywhere we go,

From churches, to homes, to schools, and yes . . . even Costco;

What we have is an attempt to divide and destroy,

When this is the season to unite us with joy

At Christmastime we're taught to unite,

We don't need a made-up reason to fight

So on O'Reilly, on Hannity, on Coulter, and those right-wing blogs;

You should just sit back, relax . . . have a few eggnogs!

'Tis the holiday season: enjoy it a pinch

With all our real problems, do we honestly need another Grinch?

So to my friends and my colleagues I say with delight,

A merry Christmas to all, and to Bill O'Reilly . . . Happy Holidays.


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