Monday, June 19, 2006

That's Not Freedom I Smell

Abbott & Costello Go To Baghdad Posted by Picasa

The Washington Post has gotten their hands on a disturbing cable from the US Embassy marked "sensitive." It details the situation in Iraq- the situation being hellacious- just prior to Bush's delusional suprise visit/attack to Iraq. That stunt was embarrassing for Bush and America, and disrespectful to PM Maliki, only notifying him that POTUS was in the house just 5 minutes prior. (If that doesn't scream 'deadly hellhole', I don't know what does). The giggling leader of the free world who literally destroyed Iraq and killed thousands of it's people, resurrecting civil warfare just drops in on his own plane, stays for a few hours and hightails it out. A PDF copy of the cable shows that it was sent by the "AMEmbassy Baghdad" on June 6th from the U.S. Ambassador Khalilzad to the Ferragamo shopper herself- our delusional Secretary of State. The subject: "Snapshots from the Office -- Public Affairs Staff Show Strains of Social Discord." It contains 23 sections noting an overall diminished quality of life, 12 hour gas lines, loss of electricity in 115 degree heat, ethnic cleansing, theocratic militia, and fear by the AME employees that they will be killed or abducted just for working where they do.

Keep in mind, this administration originally called this bogus invasion Operation Iraqi Liberation...what does that spell? O.I.L. I'm sure they got a few chuckles out of their own clever arrogance. This administration could not care less about anything other than the contracts, their profits, and the squandering of Iraqi oil to help their Saudi buddies. Be proud America, here's some of what thousands of lives and close to 1 trillion US tax dollars have bought us:

  1. "Personal safety depends on good relations with the 'neighborhood' governments, who barricade streets and ward off outsiders. The central government, our staff says, is not relevant; even local mukhtars have been displaced or coopted by militias. People no longer trust most neighbors."
  2. "An Arab newspaper editor told us he is preparing an extensive survey of ethnic cleansing, which he said is taking place in almost every Iraqi province, as political parties and their militiast are seemingly engaged in tit-for-tat reprisals all over Iraq."
  3. "pervasive harassment from Islamist and/or militia groups."
  4. Loss of electricity and rising fuel prices "have diminished the quality of life." Upscale neighborhoods "have visibly deteriorated" and one of them is now described as a "ghost town."
  5. "some groups are pushing women to cover even their face, a step not taken in Iran even at its most conservative." "dangerous" for men to wear shorts in public and "they no longer allow their children to play outside in shorts." People who wear jeans in public have also come under attack.
  6. Out of the 9 US Embassy employees, only 4 have told their families where they work. They all plan for their possible abductions. No one takes home their cell phones as this gives them away.
  7. Since April, the "demeanor" of guards in the Green Zone has changed, becoming more "militia-like," and some are now "taunting" embassy personnel or holding up their credentials and saying loudly that they work in the embassy: "Such information is a death sentence if overheard by the wrong people."
  8. "For at least six months, we have not been able to use any local staff members for translation at on-camera press events....We cannot call employees in on weekends or holidays without blowing their 'cover.'"
  9. "Fuel lines have grown so long that one staffer spent 12 hours in line on his day off. "


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