Thursday, July 07, 2005

They're Baaack

Bombed Double Decker Posted by Picasa

London was rocked by 4 bombs this morning- 3 on the 'Underground' subway system and 1 on a doubledecker bus. The bus was ripped open. Approximately 40 people lost their lives. And not surprisingly, an Islamic group has claimed responsibility. Blair is leaving the G-8 summit in nearby Scotland, in light of these attacks. At his press conference this morning, Dubya was right behind him in camera angle.

Now, if these two idiots - Bush and Blair - had been fighting the real war on terror, against our real enemies the Wahhabists in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Afghanistan, maybe this would not have happened. Instead, the War for Oil in Iraq has done nothing but, oddly enough, 'fueled' the fire that drives these terrorists and recruit even more for Al Quaida. As I have written in previous posts, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Afghanistan is breeding these terrorists in madrassas with Saudi oil money. Meanwhile, thousands have died for nothing in Iraq, with the exception of the Saudi men who came to kill in Iraq. They believe otherwise.

Until the madrassas and the money that funds them are stopped, this will not stop. More importantly, we need to get our troops, National Guard and Coast Guard out of this bogus war in Iraq should our country suffer the same horrible attacks like those in London.Then again, we all know that Bush's approval ratings are very low...


At 7:16 AM, Blogger Lone Ranger said...

Coward. Do you think you can appease evil? Coward. Do you think you can compromise with evil? Coward. Do you think Muslims want anything less than the death or subjugation of every "infidel" in the world? Coward. Idiot.

At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Ranger, with opinions like that it's no surprise you're alone. If you'd take half a second to actually read the blog entry you'd realize the point is that Bush is making less than a full effort to capture Bin Laden and stop Al-Qaeda because he's so heavily invested in Iraq. You remember Iraq, the country that posed no threat at all to the United States, yet somehow American troops are over there dying while attempting to 'preserve our freedom?' That same Iraq, the attack upon which has only enraged Al-Qaeda and other militant Muslim groups further.

Tell you what, LR, let's put this in simple terms that perhaps you can understand. If you take a stick and hit a beehive with it, the bees are going to attack you. Are you then going to blame the bees when they sting you?

At 6:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elf, you read my mind about the "lone" ranger. I second your rebuttal.

At 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lone Ranger: Your head must be up your ass, that would explain why you can't read and why you're so ignorant. Not all Muslims want to kill Christians, Jews and Muslims. Only the Wahabbist Muslims do! Wahabbist kill MUSLIMS who aren't Wahabbists. Should we kill all Germans because of the holocaust? If you think Bush gives a shit about the safety of Americans or capturing Bin Laden, you are a fucking idiot. Go take a look at how many billions have been spent in Iraq and on Halliburton then go check the amt given to Homeland Security- or rather has been CUT from Homeland Security. Ignorant dumbass. You shouldn't have the right to vote or reproduce.

At 7:55 PM, Blogger Guitanguran said...

Well, hoping to avoid name calling and risking being a target for same, here goes. There's alot about Mr. Bush I don't care for. I think his gelatinous backbone in dealing with our borders is horrendous. Someone will get killed as a result of this lack of policy.

On the other hand, I don't think the beehive analogy holds water. What beehive were we poking around in to get 9/11? Bees generally go after the pokers with the stick. Terrorists go after innocent children and cut off people's heads, irrespective of their proximity to the 'hive' or whether they're holding a stick. Makes no difference to them. This idea that there's some type of moral equivalency of a Bush or a Blair to terrorists is just plain denial of facts. These people, beehive banging or not, hate me and they they hate you, and would kill all of us, even if we agreed with them. They hate us because of what they believe and they hate us because of who we are...people that have the freedom to disagree. We can disagree about politics and policy, but let us not make the mistake of not knowing who the real enemy is. It ain't the guy whose politics don't line up with mine, its the Islamic nutcase trying to kill me and my family. I got that message loud and clear 4 years ago.


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