The 666 Club
Update: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has offered to help the poor in US with cheap oil. No wonder Robertson wants this guy killed. Chavez said yesterday that the Venezuelan-owned, Texas-based Citgo Petroleum Co. would offer to poor schools, hospitals, and churches in America 66,000 barrels a day of oil products refined at its U.S. plants. Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez said Chavez has offered heating oil to be sold directly to communities, avoiding retailers, to bring down costs, Ramirez said.
The minion of the devil and host of the 700 Club show, Pat Robertson, called for the murder of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez last week. "You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war, and I don't think any oil shipments will stop." He continued: "We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability. We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator. It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with." This is what I find interesting, here is one of Bush's spiritual advisers, revealing what appears to be the real reason we went to war in Iraq. Oil.
So just for fun, let's dissect the evil dictator Chavez. Business Week reported that Venezuela President Chavez is harming the oil industry to feed his social programs. Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) Venezuela's state-run oil company is funding community health clinics that provide free medicine, PDVSA subsidizes the rice, cooking oil, and other staples at government-run stores. Venezuela has the largest petroleum reserves outside the Middle East. Now, Chávez is reaching deep into PDVSA's coffers to finance a "democratic revolution" to raise millions of Venezuelans out of poverty. Chávez is pumping some $4 billion of PDVSA's windfall profits into social programs each year. Gee, how un-Christian, helping the poor. No wonder Robertson is angry. BW goes on to report that once a dependable American ally, Venezuela has become a thorn in Washington's side. The White House takes a dim view of Caracas' sales of subsidized oil to Fidel Castro's Cuba. It's also none too thrilled that Chávez is using petrodollars to outfit his army with Russian-made Kalashnikov rifles, combat helicopters and MiG fighter jets. Ever since the Bush Administration appeared to endorse a short-lived coup d'état against Chávez in 2002. So who could blame Chavez, or any other oil-rich country from stepping up their defenses, in light of the illegal invasion of Iraq.
So why does Robertson care about oil, aside from owning several oil fields himself, he is also the owner of CENCO Refining Co which has an oil refinery in Santa Fe Springs, CA. With $20 million from Robertson's 'charitable trust', Robertson formed Cenco in 1998 to buy the refinery, hoping to turn California's thirst for gasoline into a generator of revenue for his work.
Robertson's evil goes outside of oil, he likes gold and diamonds too, even if they're covered in blood. The Washington Post reported a couple of years ago. Christian Coalition founder Dr. M. G. "Pat" Robertson's private, for profit company 'Freedom Gold' is, according to Robertson, digging for commercial grade ore in Liberia so that he might be in a better position to lift the fallen, find the lost and bring the sinful into righteousness. (Insert gag here). Profits from Robertson's "Freedom Gold" have funded Liberian President Charles Taylor. Taylor's government has been charged with running guns into and smuggling diamonds out of Sierra Leone. An alleged al Qaeda connection with Liberia has surfaced in the press. The United Nations and the United States have taken steps to prohibit the importation of diamonds from Liberia because funds from that country's diamond sales have allegedly been used to finance some horrifying atrocities against unarmed civilians. Robertson is quoted as saying that Taylor ran a country overflowing with God's unconditional, inclusive love. More than 150,000 lives were lost in the Taylor-initiated civil war. The WP goes on to reveal that Right-to-lifer Pat Robertson, is a current investor of millions of dollars in the People's Republic of China, the world's largest Marxist regime, which also proudly pursues a policy of forced abortions. Amen.
Well, at least there's a scintella (not a bad vocabulary for a Texas 'orifices') of fact we can agree on there, Lisa. With the notable exception of Billy Graham, Evangelism and Television have never mixed. Don't know what it is, but I've seen it turn faith into mere hucksterism, at best. At worst, it unleashes a greed for money and an unbridled thirst for power that would make mere politicians blush. Mr. Robertson is entitled to his opinion, but he didn't even have the guts to stick to his guns, or admit he actually used the word, "assassination". I have no use for his ilk.
On the other hand, after actually reading the BusinessWeek article, I found it covered both positive and negative perspectives about Chavez, which you conveniently left out in your commentary. Don't know about you, but when 18,000 employees, those poor little worker bees you have such a heart for, go on strike because he bypassed the meritocratic process of promotion in favor of a crony, I'd want to know more about what caused it. Generosity on the scale you describe is not without an agenda or an ultimate cost. What better way to buy votes (or influence) than with petro-dollars? Worked for Saddam for a long time...for the benefit of numerous folks that were curiously against invading Iraq and at the expense of his starving citizens, I might add. What makes you think Mr. Chavez's motives are all altruistic, with no agenda? Oh, doggone it, I forgot the first two rules of Modern Liberalism...America bad, everyone else, good. And of course, #2... Hate Bush, pay no attention to anyone else, even as they're cutting your head off and putting it on worldwide video...
Keep trying Lisa, and I'm sure I'll meet some facts someday...
Hi Lisa
I never realised that so many blogs would show up if I did a search on something like food. I'm still not sure how well The 666 Club falls into that category, but I've enjoyed visiting :0) Adios Amigo.
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