Wednesday, August 10, 2005

AWOL President

NY Times Posted by Picasa

In the fifth circle of hell that Bush and his fellow crooks have created in Iraq: Five more soldiers were killed this morning in Baghdad. Our troops are still begging for the basics. Marines are driving unarmored amphibious vehicles in the middle of the desert. Ah, well you go to war with the military you have. Speaking of dementia sufferer Rumsfeld, he is claiming that today's explosives -once again- are clearly from Iran. I think he's as certain of it as he was of the 'chemical belt around Baghdad.' Granted US intelligence analysts state they cannot blame the Iranian government for these explosives, rather they believe they are coming from a 'rogue element' in Iran. That doesn't matter- Dubya and Dick will bomb them soon anyway. Meanwhile, the Iraqi's are trying to complete their constitution in the shitstorm that Bush has created for them. If they are able to finalize the constitution in it's current state, women will have had more rights under Saddam Hussein. Bush has been pushing for the Iraqi's to finish this up. He must have a cell phone in his golf cart. Although, I think Bush is more concerned about the oil asset portion of the constitution. As for Hussein, his rape rooms aren't closed, they're just under new management.

As U.S. troops endured deadly attacks last week in Iraq, 61% of Americans polled by Newsweek said that they disapprove of the way President George W. Bush is handling the war in Iraq. A whopping 34% said they approve. This is Bush’s lowest rating on Iraq. 54% of Americans say they are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the United States at this time. 64% percent say the Iraq war has made Americans less safe. In the wake of the London attacks, 45% of those polled say it’s very likely that there will be major terrorist attacks against U.S. cities, buildings or national landmarks in the near future.

Speaking of an impending attack by Al Qaeda: The British Chief of Police is warning that terrorists are surveying the financial centre of London, Europe's premier financial centre, and an attack on this district is only a matter of time. "Every successful terrorist group pre-surveys its target," the commissioner of the City of London police, told the Financial Times newspaper in a front-page interview. "There's no doubt we've been subjected to that surveillance," he said adding that "that sort of thing has been successfully disrupted".

Just as North Korea went nuclear under Bush and Bolton's watch, so is Iran -the other so-called member of the Axis of Evil. Iran has broken the UN seals at their atomic plant. Perhaps they're trying to follow Dubya's logic- if you do have WMD's, he won't invade your country.

The US embassy in Saudi Arabia has been closed for fear of attacks by Al Qaeda. And where is the drunk driving, coke snorting, pretzel choking, AWOL National Guardsman, insider trading Dubya? At his fake ranch, on vacation for the 50th time since becoming president.


At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm, aren't we actually better off if Bush is just chopping wood than if he were back at the White House working hard to destroy America as he usually does?


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