Thursday, January 25, 2007


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Oh, it's all so sad. One pompous, elitist, lying Republican in the Bush Administration is the scapegoat for another pompous, elitist, lying Republican in the Bush Administration. Yes, in the ongoing debacle that is the Scooter Libby trial, Scooter is attempting to take a few down with him. Now, it wasn't Scooter who recklessly revealed the identity of a undercover CIA agent, it was Boy Genius, Karl. And Scooter even has a note from his dad to prove it.

I for one, would prefer they both go to jail. Especially Scooter. I can't wait for a sequel to "The Apprentice"
(buy it here!), his freakish novel where a bear has sex with a 10 year old girl. Ah, family values. I suppose that Rove can remain free, as it appears his talent has run dry. Well, it's not really talent, more like a lack of a conscience while manipulating facts and the truth.

All that aside, the true issue at hand is once again being dwarfed by the egos and arrogance that is the Bush White House. Let me refresh the facts in this case.
Valerie Plame had been a covert CIA operative for more than 30 years. Agents are put under cover for special reasons. Exposing them, also exposes fellow covert agents, and could very well endanger all of their lives. Plame and her associates were oddly enough charged with the objective of thwarting the proliferation of WMD's. All of her work, her associates, her cover corporations, all of her progress, was lost in an instant. Now, why would an administration, that oh professes so to want to rid our enemies of WMD's, go and destroy a CIA project(s) created for that sole purpose? That and the reason why we really invaded Iraq are the two 'buried leads' of our time.


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