Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Oh, Sweet Merciful God...

The Fox News Channel is in a ratings free fall. From roughly 1.7 million viewers late last year to just over 400,000 viewers this spring. Was it the image of O'Reilly with a falafel loofah that has turned the viewers away?

  • NewsHounds-They Watch Fox So You Don't Have To
  • Friday, May 13, 2005

    My Pet Goat, Part Deux

    Is I learning? Posted by Hello

    The nation's capitol was believed to be under attack. Once again, Bush was not in charge, nor was he aware of the threat or that his wife had been evacuated. He was busy riding his bike. However, they did inform and evacuate President Cheney.

  • CNN Politics aka Bush's Tricycle Report
  • Monday, May 09, 2005

    Wait, Bush Planned to Invade Iraq Anyway?

    And now, if we could just figure out why. Why would Halliburton, Bechtel, Exxon, Mobil and Chevron go to Iraq? Hmmm.... American Idol's on! 1,600 dead Americans, 100,000 dead Iraqis and $200 billion US taxpayer dollars later... I really think Bo Bice will win tonight.

  • CNN US News
  • Sunday, May 08, 2005

    No Nukular Threat

    Too bad Bush is looking for Nukular weapons - not nuclear weapons. That's why we invaded Iraq instead of North Korea.

    In all seriousness, North Korea has no oil.

  • CNN World News
  • Tuesday, May 03, 2005

    It's All About the Gold, I Mean God....

    Pat Robertson, the Christian televangelist appeared on This Week (see video link) and Meet The Press last Sunday, May 1st, to say that the liberal judges in America are a greater threat to American than Al Quaeda. Pat will back off when Congress lets the 7 hardcore judicial appointees through. They're pro-corporation. They will support his gold-mining business in Liberia, unlike the US State Department.

  • Fortune Magazine

  • BBC Greg Palast

  • Washington Post
  • Monday, May 02, 2005

    Laura Bush Kills, This Time it Wasn't with Her Car!

    Laura Bush told some funny jokes at her husband's expense last Friday night at the White House Correspondents Dinner. The funniest was that she can pronounce the word 'nuclear', but her husband the President of the United States, can't! How funny.

    And now for more important news: