Tuesday, June 28, 2005

George W. Bush: War Criminal

Impeach Bush Posted by Hello

Tonight, Bush once again used those who died a horrific death on 9/11 to justify his illegal invasion of Iraq for oil. The fact that Bush and Republicans have gone to this well of death and suffering one too many times is not news. The real news is the latest revelation to come from more Downing Street Memos; proving further that this is an illegal war. The Times of London reported on June 19th, that the US and Britain began bombing Iraq more than 6 months prior to the 'Shock and Awe' imperialist invasion. The Nation Magazine is also covering this story, reporting that while Congress was debating to give Bush authority to invade Iraq, and the UN weapons-inspection teams were searching for the elusive WMD's, "the Bush Administration was already in full combat mode."

On March 8, 2003, Bush stated in his radio address: "We are doing everything we can to avoid war in Iraq. But if Saddam Hussein does not disarm peacefully, he will be disarmed by force." The Pentagon carried out seventy-eight airstrikes against Iraq prior to October 11, 2002 - the date Congress authorized Bush to go to war against Iraq.

The self-proclaimed 'American Soldier' General Tommy Franks recalls in his book of the same proclamation that he 'rejected a call from Condoleezza Rice, then National Security Adviser, to cut the bombing patrols because he wanted to use them to make Iraq’s defenses “as weak as possible".' The allied commander refers to the attacks as “spikes of activity." These so-called 'spikes of activity' began 5 months prior to October 11, 2002! This would mean that the US and Britain were in violation of International Law, i.e. BUSH AND BLAIR ARE WAR CRIMINALS.

Some good news, CNN.com reported that Bush's 'disapproval' rating is at an all time high of 56%. So have a beer Dubya and celebrate....oops too late.

Too many pretzels Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Saddam Likes Doritos, Saudi's Hate the U.S.

Remember the Saudis? Posted by Hello

For those of you who do not get the Doritos joke, last week the mainstream news media headlined with news that Saddam likes Doritos; 'he can eat a family size bag in one sitting.' However, buried in an article on CNN.com was real news about our real enemy: Saudi Arabia. Last Monday, it was reported, that Saudi Arabia negotiated a deal with the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), the UN's 'nuclear watchdog'. The deal excludes Saudi Arabia from nuclear inspections in exchange for its pledge not to have 'anything worth inspecting'. As recently as 2 years ago, the Saudi government was considering funding a nuclear program, in light of the 'instability' in the Middle East. Perhaps Saudi Arabia already has nuclear weapons and that is why the Bush Administration never waged war on them as they did against us on September 11th.

One thing the Saudi government has been funding for a long time are the Madrassas- religious schools that teach a more strict and violent form of Islam- Wahhabism. More importantly, not only is the Saudi Arabian government financing Madrassas in Saudi Arabia, they are also funding them in Pakistan-our other 'ally.'When the Saudi government came to power in 1932, it tried to unify it into Wahhabism; which is believed to be the most conservative form of Islam. To the Wahhabists, their enemies are Muslims, Jews and Christians. If you are not a follower of the Wahhabist form of Islam, you are considered an enemy and a heathen, as well. There is an infamous Wahhabist who waged the largest attack against the United States in its history. Saddam? No. Ayatollah? No. Osama. He and his 9/11 hijackers were educated at Madrassas. Most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi. Most of the insurgents killing Iraqi civilians and US troops in Iraq are Saudi. NBC Nightly News reported that 26 Saudi religious clerics issued an order to kill Americans in Iraq.

Why hasn't the Bush Administration invaded Saudi Arabia? If we didn't have an Oiligarchy in the White House we would have cut the real terrorism funding- the funding between the Saudi Royal Family and the terrorist breeding Madrassas. Osama would have been captured in Tora Bora and not allowed to remain free to perpetuate the Orwellian eternal war.

We won't know the real reason why this Bush Administration never righted the wrong of 9/11. Could it be because Saudi Arabia is the largest oil supply in the world? Or because the Bush family has been tied to the Saudi Royals and the Bin Ladin's (Osama's relatives decided to spell it differently for obvious reasons), financially, through various businesses over the past 3 decades? Until we have a new Deep Throat, I'll offer you one clue. James A. Baker III, served as the nation's 61st Secretary of State from January 1989 through August 1992 under President George Bush. After George W. Bush invaded Iraq, he appointed Baker as his envoy to Iraq to "restructure Iraq’s more than $120 billion in foreign debt." Baker is now senior partner in the law firm of Baker Botts. This firm is involved in the fight for the oil and gas of the Caspian Sea (thought to be the largest untapped oil source in the world). He is also senior counselor to the Carlyle Group (Daddy Bush works there too). Baker Botts is defending the Saudi government in a lawsuit filed by the families of the victims of the 9/11 attacks. That's right, Baker, a close friend of the Bush family, is defending the Saudi goverment against the families of the 9/11 victims!

This brings me to our quiz: To build a pipeline from Iraq (the new 51st state) to the Caspian Sea, you must go through which countries? Hint: When Bolton receives his recess appointment, you'll find out. We will be invading them next. This is the pink suede elephant in the room and the real story.

Monday, June 20, 2005

What Happens in Dover, Stays in Dover

Flag Draped Coffins At Dover AFB Posted by Hello

Let me clarify this post to those who have been upset by it. I prefaced my post with the term 'Foil Hat Item'; which should tell you that I don't accept it at face value. However, I did find it's suggestion to be intriguing. My intention was to initiate a thought process and discussion as it has on progressive radio talkshows and blogs this week. That is until the mainstream news media begins to do their job and begins to ask the logical questions. Why is the press not allowed to photograph the coffins arriving at Dover? Is it because more than 1,700 have arrived? Why do we never hear reports of the troops who later died from their injuries at the military hospitals? Ask yourself these obvious questions. Contact your senators, reps, and local media and ask them as well.

Original post:
Here's my 'Foil Hat Item' of the week or rather I hope it isn't true. This item was posted on Arianna Huffington's blog 'The Huffington Post' on June 18, 2005. A site entitled 'TBR News' is reporting that the Bush Administration is giving us a false death toll for our US Troops. TBR states: "U.S. Military Personnel who died in German hospitals or en route to German hospitals have not previously been counted." TBR notes that the "Department of Defense lists currently being very quietly circulated indicate almost 9,000 dead."

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Happy Father's Day!

Iraqi man & his son Posted by Hello

Democratic Members of the US House of Representatives held a 'forum' today, on the 'Downing Street Memo'.

The Downing Street Memo was written by the head of British Intelligence in July 2002. It clearly states that the Bush administration in the summer of 2002 was manipulating the facts to fit it's plan to invade Iraq. The Democrats held this forum as an effort to urge a Congressional inquiry into Bush's illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq. Again, most of the 'thinking' people already knew that this war was bogus and for oil, but now we have it memorialized. The forum was lead by US Rep. John Conyers (the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee). The Democrats were forced to hold their forum in a room in the basement of the capitol. On Tuesday, GOP Rep Sensenbrenner (the guy who stormed out of the Patriot Act hearings last Friday after shutting the dems mic's) told Conyers he wouldn't be getting any room in the Capitol for his hearings ...ever. Pouty Sensenbrenner retracted this threat after Conyers made it public. Conyers was then given the basement room that has a maximum capacity of 20 persons. Luckily, they were able to fit mothers of dead soldiers, former CIA analysts and the former Iraqi ambassador Joseph Wilson (who's wife's CIA cover was blown by the Bush White House after the ambassador exposed the Bush admin's 'intelligence' as phony). You can watch the full forum (can't call it a hearing because it's against House rules for the minority to hold hearings), on C-Span's website. While you're there watch the video of Republican Sensenbrenner shitting on our Constitution and democracy last Friday.

The fascist, power hungry, morally challenged Republicans who hold the majority in the House, also scheduled 11 votes today, so that the rebellious Democrats couldn't focus too long on the grounds for impeachment. The Republicans aren't for the truth, the troops nor are they watching the hundreds of billions of US tax dollars being dumped in Iraq. Now, if Bush had an affair with an intern, then...right, no way. Bush had a gay male escort coming to the White House over a 100 times, and the so-called Christian Right looks the other way. Remember the good ol' days of Republican owned media's 24/7 coverage of Monica, Linda, Monica, Linda and the $70 million US tax dollars spent by the Republican controlled Congress to 'investigate' the dalliances in the White House? Keep in mind that the people who sit in this White House also occupied the White House under Nixon. Nixon didn't like anyone poking in his trash either.

Another important note, Rep. Conyers drafted a letter to Bush demanding answers for the implications drawn by the Downing Street Memo. Thus far, Conyers has gathered the signatures of 122 Congressional Democrats and 560,000 US citizens. Rep. Conyers delivered the letter to the White House today. At first, Conyers, a 30 year veteran of Congress, was turned away by White House personnel. Eventually, out of shame, someone came out of the White House to receive the petition. The 'still single' (wink wink) Scotty McLellan stated that the White House will not be responding to the letter. How dare they question King George II?

Friday, June 10, 2005

Worst President Ever

No shit Posted by Hello
Bush's poll numbers are now at an all time low in a new Washington Post Poll. They are approximately 30 percentage points below those of Clinton during his impeachment. Oh, I just got a rush there. Let me state that again, while Clinton was being persecuted for an extra-marital affair by BOTH houses of Congress, Clinton's approval rating was 30% higher than our 'war time' President Bush. Although, I don't know why Dubya's numbers are ever above 0%. Perhaps America is watching the news now that American Idiot is finally over. Close to 75% of Americans polled believe the US casualties suffered thus far are unacceptable. 60% believe the 'war' was not worth it, nor did it make the US safer. More than 40% believe Iraq is the new Vietnam. Dubya's approval rating is now at 42%.

More good news, the Republican Congress is being blamed by 67% of those polled for no accomplishments in Congress. Let's hope 67% of the fascist, racist, imperialist, chauvinist, corporatist Republican Senators and Representatives are voted out in 2006 so we can finally begin the impeachment process. More than 250,000 US citizens and 96 US House Representatives have signed a petition demanding an answer from Bush for the Downstreet Memo- otherwise known as Impeachment Exhibit 1A. In addition to getting the impeachment ball rolling, US Rep. John Conyers has also written a book entitled What Went Wrong in Ohio on the Ohio presidential elections, based on hearings that he chaired. The book points out what us 'thinkin' people' knew all along, Dubya stoll another election. The book points out that Bush continually polled at 48%, and isn't it funny that Kerry won 48% and Bush 51% of the votes? Huh, what? Okay, I'll put my foil hat back on. Assimilate. Freedom is on the march.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Arnold, the Girly Man Who Likes Expensive Gifts

Special Interests Do the Body Good Posted by Hello
Ah, this is what happens to the former Mr. Olympia when he succumbs to the special interests and donations of junk food pushers. Consumer Affairs reports that a political ad
from Arnold's office, released in May, features Schwarzenegger talking to people in a lunchroom, and "places Pepsi, Ruffles, Cheetos, Sun Chips, SoBe and Arrowhead Water in prominent spots next to the governor for one-third of the ad." CA also reports that donors connected to Pepsi Co. and Arrowhead Water's parent company, Nestle, gave the governor a total of $279,800 in campaign contributions.

The LA Times is reporting that "top contributors to Gov. Schwarzenegger have been rewarded with a private telephone number that gives them access to his closest advisers — and even to the governor himself." These calls let their most 'valuable donors in on their secret strategies and plans." Ahnold is looking to spend over $30 million in ads and campaigns to defeat employee unions. It's clear he is defeating the unions for his top corporate contributors, not his constituents who voted for an end to special interests and true representation for the citizens of Kalee-for-nee-ah.

Amnesty International Strikes Back

Dubya, Sith Lord Posted by Hello

The Nobel Peace Price-winning organization Amnesty International has responded in the NY Times to Bush's claims that their report on Gitmo being a "present day Gulag" as absurd. Kate Gilmore, the executive deputy secretary general of AI, said the administration's response was "typical of a government on the defensive." William F. Schultz, executive director of the group's US branch, pointed out that the administration often cites its reports when that suits its purposes. "If our reports are so 'absurd,' why did the administration repeatedly cite our findings about Saddam Hussein before the Iraq war?" wrote Schultz. "Why does it welcome our criticisms of Cuba, China and North Korea? And why does it cite our research in its own annual human rights reports?" Dubya retorted: "Hey, that was until you became Freedom Haters!"

Thursday, June 02, 2005

I Found the Missing $9 Billion, What Do I Win Bob?

Dumb & Dumber Posted by Hello

"Hey Puty, lets go check out my new oil company."
According to The Economist magazine and ABC News, the nearly bankrupt Yukos Oil company in Russia was recently purchased by an obscure Russian organization for $9 billion dollars. The name of the 'obscure' (heh heh) Russian company is Baikalfinansgroup. ABC News reports that 'virtually' nothing is known about this company. Hmmm, aren't we taxpayers missing $9 billion in Iraq? And isn't Baikalfinans Russian for Bush?
